Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Ten days later

Ten days ago Ryan, Bryan, Kyler and myself rolled out of Richmond.  So much can happen in ten days. So much has happened in ten days. Our first four nights along the way we had the comfort of staying inside houses. Fredricksburg was night one where our friend emily hooked us up with a friend of hers. She met us there and made us an amazing dinner.
     Day two we rode to DC. We stoped off about 15 miles out and visited kylers grandfather over a cup of coffee and some stale cookies. When we got back on the bikes it rained on us all the way into the city. We stoped at one intersection where the bike path croses a busey rode. While standing there a car flew off the side of the rode missing kyler and myself and kylers bike by only a few feet and hit the tree next to us. She was okay, we were fine. We continued on. all the rain stoped once we made it into downtown. Only a few weeks prior I met Sean, our house host of dc. He offered up his place right away when I spoke to him at a party at Ryans house that we had for britts birthday. He did so because he lives in a beautifuly large warehouse/art studio/gallary/home/show space. We had more then enough room to unload our wet gear. We took a day off to dry out, and we were lucky enough to be able to cross paths with my favorite part of dc. Sarah ruth. Although currently in the transition of moving to boston, she was around and free for brunch. I love having my friends of different worlds getting to meet each other.
     Dc to pittsburgh is an incredibly amazing bike trip that I will forever tell all of my friends to do if you have the chance. Over 300 miles of bike trail, no cars, free camping, wild life, rivers, bridges, tunnels. Day one on the trail was muddy due to the rain two days prior but it didnt slow us down much.  I have never had a bicycling experience like that before. Flying through the woods with a group of friends, blasting through mud with our bikes weighed down with bags full of gear.  It was all good though because once again we had a house at the end of the day. We stayed with our friend meghans crazy aunt who we refer to as mama all good. She is the producer of a hippie jam band fest call "all good". We once again partied as if we werent leaving on bicycles the next day. Stayed up late drinking beers and sharing some whiskey around a fire pit that had "its all good" cut out around the edges. Haha it was a weird night.
     Since then we've just been riding and camping and loving it. The bike trails been some of the best bicycling of my life. I've seen two bald eagles, three owls, a wild turkey, hundreds of turtles, lots of snakes, lizards, groundhogs, squirls black/grey/&brown. Deer. Andddd a crop circle, like a real deal alien from outerspace wild design crop circle.  And now almost 500 miles from richmond eight days of riding, here we are in Pittsburgh.  We plan to take a few days off here. Explore and hang with some friends of friends.  As of now were camping near a fire pit in the back of a friends house. A beautiful house with a big garden, a dog, a cat, chickens and a full on farm run by the neighbor at the top of the hill behinde the house. Right in the middle of the city. I already dont want to leave.  
     I want to post pictures but when I do so from my phone they come out really tiny. So I will wait for day that I get to use a computer.  Maybe before we leave pittsburgh!
     Thats all for now. Time to ride around this hilly city.


  1. Thanks for posting this, Ross!! I for real laughed out loud about the crop circle. Miss yew guyZ!!! Luv, frida

  2. HOly shit, my heart drop a beat when I read that you and Kyler almost got hit by a car! Be safe buddy! I want all my friends returned in complete 4 sexy pieces
