Thursday, June 7, 2012

RVA-CHI some photos.

It takes a really long time to upload 32 photos to this website in one sitting. But here is a quick photo recap of my past month of hanging out with three of my best friends traveling from Richmond, VA to Chicago, IL

 Day one
 Night one
 Hole in the sky, DC
 My team, DC
 Kylers Team, DC
 A not so serious, serios Trail shot.
 Mama All Good's house. Jefferson, MD
 You can't see it good but this is a crop circle in Maryland.
 PawPaw tunnel

 On the path into Cumberland.
 On top Mt. Washington. Pittsburgh, PA
 Best bike i've set foot in.

 Sometimes hoarding is cool.
 There is four floors of this.
 Britt came to visit in Pittsburgh, we danced.
 Bryan entering West Virginia on the path.

 Road dogs.
Kyler looking good...
 Life guard Jacob leading us to his family farm for a night of rest. Memorial Day, Ohio.
 My failed rear wheel. Indiana

 Matt and Ryan Chicago style.

Being true tourist.

I'll be leaving Tomorrow to head south towards St. Louis.  There is talk of karaoke this evening? we'll see...  Chicago has been really awesome.  Everyone has been extremely hospitable and fun to hang out with. I'll be doing some last minute bike work today.  I set up my front rack and my old panniers that had been mailed here from my parents in NY. So it's a whole new game now,  I'm loaded down a bit heavier then ever before but I'm now able to evenly distribute the weight between the front and back of my bicycle.  I went shopping yesterday and stocked up on road food.  Which for now consists of Cliff bars, Crazy trail mix that I've been adding to little by little, Oat meal, cous cous, and some noodles.
    Once again I am extremely excited to get back on the road. And am happy I was able to get some photos up before leaving town.  Getting to St. louis from chicago appears to be a bit tricky but I plan to take it slow and make my way down over the course of the next week. Once I'm a day outside of St. Louis I'll be following the Trans America Trail which has been routed out by the Adventure cycling Association.  Using their maps will make planning my days easier and allow me to ride further day by day.
     I look forward to what lies ahead. Into middle America I go.

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